what i'm reading

this summer i made a resolution to read more books, it's sad to me to not be an avid reader, and the excuse of not wanting to sit there for a long time to stare at a book can't fly anymore [especially when i'm already spending ages browsing online...].
the resolution itself presented two challenges for me--the first was to find out what to read, and the second was what form i'd like to read the book in.
there's no doubt about how nice it is to have a hard copy in your hands to take anywhere and bookmark, and there's a good chance the book won't cost too much, but it's sometimes hard to justify the loss of precious space in a small home like mine. it seems so counterintuitive with my love for yarn and sparked interest in books but i've been very interested in living minimally for that reason. so to justify the cost of shelf space i look at review after review on book sites and try my best to gauge the rereading or reference value of the book that i haven't even looked much into [bless you, google book preview], and maybe if i don't forget about the book altogether, i'll make the big choice to purchase it. sounds like i could use a kindle, huh?
i went through that long process when buying these two books pictured, and so far i haven't regretted my purchases one bit. recommended by a friend, cordelia fine does a wonderful job of doing careful research and delivering her points clearly in delusions of gender, and has made me think a little harder about information i'd otherwise blindly consume. and stephanie the yarn harlot's done nothing but wow me with her writing style and relatability. i'm beginning to understand why she's so popular in the knitting community. these are both really nice reads that i'd recommend to anyone who has as hard a time as i do about making purchases. especially if you're going to buy knitting rules. don't. hesitate.
i think after finishing these two i'll try an epic for the rest of the year. maybe tolkein, who knows. reading feels great.
have you fallen in love with any good books lately?