wip: jason's domino socks
So the current work in progress now is this happy little ribbed cuff for Jason's domino socks. I know it's a good sign when I stop every now and again just scrunching and admiring the yarn ball. I should have bought another to make myself a sock! GAH JUST LOOK AT IT!
The way each of those greys just flow into each other, how brilliantly that ball is wound to show it all off..I think I'm smitten with Crazy Zauberball. (Like my improvised knit marker? I should consider buying some proper open markers, but for now this will suffice.)
My wrists are on fire again, so I've been forced to take knitting (and drawing, typing, and anything else for that matter) much more slowly just to try to heal. Every row I manage to slowly complete has been savored like a fine dessert. I think I'm gonna go ahead and take this project as a lesson to slow down and enjoy the little details of hand-making socks.